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Conscious Creation

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“The Law of Attraction focuses on manifestation. That is, it focuses on creating an outer experience, making things happen. ‘I am going to manifest x.’ In Conscious Creation, we are clearing our core false beliefs and going beyond manifestation. Our spiritual self, what we can also refer to as our ‘core self,’ our ‘original face,’ then becomes magnified. We are living as expressions of source. We no longer have to manifest anything; it’s no longer about attracting things by changing our thoughts, like a magnet. It’s about opening up to the infinite possibilities, all around us.”

(Conscious Creation, page 20)


Questions for journaling and further reflection:
1. What motivated you to get this workbook?
2. In what ways are you aware of feeling stuck or trapped in some pattern?
3. In what ways are you aware of feeling lost, empty, a lack of purpose and direction?
4. In what ways are you wondering if there’s something else for you to learn or do?
5. How much bolder and more interesting could your life be if you could make
decisions in growing conscious awareness?
6. How might you go about that?
7. “You can accept only what you truly imagine you deserve.” What does this quote
mean to you?
8. In what ways have you believed you deserved to fail?
9. In what ways have you acknowledged your successes?
10. What beliefs allowed you to be successful?
11. In what ways do you believe you have “failed” at something?
12. What beliefs might have contributed to that?
13. In what ways might you be functioning from Level 1: Martyr Consciousness – The
idea that “Things happen to me?”
14. How does it feel to think in that way?
15. In what ways might you be functioning from Level 2: Magical Thinking
Consciousness – The idea that “I make things happen?”
16. How does it feel to think in that way?
17. In what ways might you be functioning from Level 3: Metaphysical Consciousness
– The idea that “Things happen through me/I let things happen.”
18. How does it feel to think in that way?
19. In what ways might you be functioning from Level 4: Mystical Consciousness –
the idea that “Things happen as me?”
20. How does it feel to think in that way?